Did you know that an internal clock determines when we get tired and how refreshed we feel?
Over 50% of women suffer from urogenital problems during menopause. Dr. med. univ. Nicole Weirich provides information on causes and solutions.
More serenity in everyday life? Susanne Feldt (hermaid) shows how active relaxation works and why it is anything but laziness.
WHI-Studie & HRT: Wie Fehlinterpretationen die Hormonersatztherapie beeinflussten. Mythen, Fakten & aktuelle Erkenntnisse.
Balancing menopause and work? Tips from Anne Feldt (hermaid) for women and employers to help them overcome the challenges of menopause in the workplace.
Dein Mann fühlt sich energielos, ist launisch oder hat weniger Lust auf Sex? Es am Testosteronmangel liegen.